This cheesecake is essentially fat-free! And guess what? It tastes exactly like (or in my opinion better than) regular cheesecake. Full of protein, this...
Not quite vegan, but tofu does make up the bulk of the creaminess in this lower-fat, higher-protein crustless version of chocolate cheesecake. Be sure...
I created this recipe to showcase our family's favorite Thanksgiving treats, and it has now become our new favorite dessert. A 2-layer pumpkin cheesecake...
An absolutely delicious dessert! Pumpkin spices and walnuts really make this cheesecake something to die for. The crust is a little different from ordinary...
This is a healthier version of breakfast cheesecake with a granola crust with flax meal and honey instead of sugar. Because life is too short to not have...
I decided to make a cheesecake for my daughter and had all the ingredients except for the crust, so that is when I decided to make it out of Biscoff®,...
This is a recipe I got from a friend with a diabetic husband. Makes an excellent tasting cheesecake that is incredibly easy to prepare. You may use sugar...
I make this cheesecake seasonally for work, and it's always a hit. Everyone compliments how delicious it is and that not many homemade cheesecakes turn...
The taste of a Nanaimo bar in a cheesecake! Can't get any better than this. Make in the jelly roll pan for serving a larger crowd. Result is thinner but...
My Mom makes this for work parties. I used it recently when I brought breakfast to everyone at work one day and it went FAST! Everyone asks me when I'm...
My mom was a working, single mom when I was growing up. She never really had the time to make cheesecake, so this was a quick recipe to get that 'cheesecake...
This cake is easy to make, and it's so delicious. Even though we've cut the fat content to make this recipe healthier, it still satisfies any craving for...
This is my favorite indulgence. And an indulgence it is! Very rich and will most definitely satisfy any sweet tooth! Pull cheesecakes out of freezer 30...
Just plain-old, extra good cheesecake like the ones from New York and Philly. You may cover the cake with a layer of strawberries, cherries, etc. but,...
A decadent triple-layer cheesecake with an Oreo® crust, a layer of Oreo® cheesecake, a layer of chocolate cheesecake, and a layer of plain cheesecake...
An exotic flair to a very traditional dessert. The sweet, fragrant flavor of mango perfectly complements the bold, rich ginger crust. A unique dish that...
The blend of the cream cheese and the caramel flavors is elegantly simple. Cheesecakes are made in cupcake tins for individual portions. These are easy...